Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stuffed Poblano Peppers by Mom

My Mom made these for us the other day and I wanted to share with everyone because they kicked ass.  If you have to have exact measurements and instructions, read no further because we both eyeball it and change our recipes every time.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
1-2 poblanos per person
sausage or hamburger or shrimp- basically pick a meat or two
green onion w/shrimp-not as strong of a flavor or yellow with other meats
red pepper
your favorite olives
any type of veggie you want, squash? zucchini? celery?
cheese (the only non paleo thing in the recipe)
put 4 peppers in a plastic bag and nuke for 3 min
when they cool slit down one side and remove seeds.  These will be the ones you stuff.
take your meat and precook it.
then mix the meat, chopped veggies including some poblano pepper, put them in a fry pan and add taco seasoning. Cook until the veggies soften.
I would taste the mixture now before adding it to the peppers to make sure you are ok with the flavor.
scoop it out and put it in the peppers add or don't add some cheese.
Grill to char them slightly.
With the shrimp we used pineapple and mango.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I had the opportunity to attend the Level 1 Kettlebell Certification class in Austin this past weekend.  At first I thought it might be somewhat informative but how much am I going to learn, I mean it's just a kettlebell, right?  Boy, was I wrong.  Jeff Martone, a great instructor and funny as all get out, started off by running the class through some joint mobility drills and stretches.  Those alone were almost worth the price of admission. The first few he covered I got to share with some of my classes this morning for the neck and shoulder. We then went over the foundational movement, the Russian swing, which brings the kb to chest level.  So this is a pretty basic movement, for the last four years I have been swinging a kb in CrossFit WOD's, and I learned that I was not nearly as efficient as I should have been.  I wasn't breathing properly, only occasionally drove through my heels, did not have enough hip snap and would "catch" it early. You can also have your arms too rigid, not fully open your hips, lean back to far, etc.  We learned to how to recognize and correct these mistakes.  If your Russian swing is not up to snuff than nothing else will be when working with the kb.
We learned how to do progressions to cleans, snatches, presses, squats, H2H (hand to hand), one arm swings, hand releases, thrusters, the list goes on and on.  Some are done with one bell and some with two.  They have versions of Fran and other named workouts where the barbel or dumbbell is substituted with a kb, which just makes it more challenging because we all know nothing is challenging about Fran, right?
I am looking forward to starting a elements kb class that will progress into an ongoing class.  Hopefully I will get to see you there, until then in Jeff's words "keep swinging".

We did not learn and I won't be teaching (yet/ever?) on what Jeff is demoing in the above video.