Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Years Resolutions??

So, it's that time of year where you tell yourself that you will lose weight/eat right/become fit/work harder/be a better spouse/parent/Lego builder/penny pincher/save for a trip, etc.  It might last for 2 days or 2 months and then go back to the way it was...

I think if you do want to make a change in your life you should take baby steps.  Just like training for a marathon, you don't immediately go out and run 20+ miles, you start off slow and have a plan, tell others about it so there is accountability built in.

My goal is to 1.  Lose some weight by eating better and more moderately.  2. Listen to people more by putting the stupid cell phone down as soon as I am spoken to, even if I was texting first and someone walked up to me in the middle of it.  3.  Become more productive around the house.

The Plan for 2013
1. Lose 15 pounds by March 31st.  I will follow the Paleo diet 90% in January and then dial it back to 80% for the rest of the year (the last few months I might have followed it 40% at best, you can see it and I sure feel it).  Sometimes you have to go the wrong direction for awhile until you are fed up enough to get your life back on track.
   a. grocery shop and cook for my house
   b. no beer kept in the fridge
   c. have planned cheat meals 1 evening per week where I can be a glutton, get my fix and not feel guilty
   d. pay a fine to my son if he catches me eating something I shouldn't

2. Listening
   a. put the phone in the back of the house when I get home
   b. only check it every few hours unless someone actually calls at which point I will answer it if I am not eating with the family
   c. pay a fine to my son if he catches me breaking the rules (similar theme but I hate spending money so he will help curb the habit quickly)

3. Productivity
   a. have an on going to do list separated by two categories - small thing and big things
   b. prior to doing something enjoyable a small thing must be completed
   c. one large item must be completed each week

That's it.  Let me know if you have any suggestions to my three to help me succeed. Have a Happy New Year and tell me, what is your goal?  How are you going to stick to it? Post it here and have some accountability!

1 comment:

  1. Like they say: You teach best what you most need to learn. So, I am determined to become a star Pilates trainer this year.
