Thursday, October 11, 2012

Beer review!

Since the blog is called Beer and Burpees I figured it was beer review time.  I like tasty beers but by no means am I a connoisseur, that's my buddy Anthony who you saw in an earlier post.
A few things I have figured out over the years is that I prefer it ice cold even though it mutes the true flavor.  In the U.K. certain beers are sold at cellar temperature and room temperature to bring out the tasting notes just like a red wine.  Beer can be paired with foods just like we do with our wines.  I like hoppy (bitter) beers with spicy foods, such as Saint Arnold's Amber goes well with spicy Chinese food, Newcastle Ale (or any dark ale) goes well with red meat or heavy foods, etc.

Some recent beer's I have tried and what I thought of them...
1. Aloha Series Pipline by Kona Brewing Co.  Made with Hawaiian Kona Coffe, it is a coffee porter.  If you like coffee go buy it, I don't and still loved it.  It has a rich malty flavor with hints of a dark roasted coffee without any bitterness.
2. Saint. Arnold's Divine Reserve #12 by Saint Arnold's.  This was a limited release that was made "Old Ale style".  You are supposed to let it age in the bottle for at least six months.  Yeah, couldn't wait that long.  I tried it when it first came out in July.  Heavy alcohol taste with lots hops.  I let it age a few months and it became smoother, less of an alcohol bite with a sweet fruit flavor.  I will try it again in six more months and see how much more the ale changes.
3. Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA, Imperial India Pale Ale by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery.  This is another limited release ale that should be aged as well.  If it is sampled now you mostly get a strong grapefruit flavor mixed with a strong alcohol bite.  As it ages it will lose the alcohol flavor and smooth out to become sweeter most likely.

4. Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar by Rogue Ales.  OMG! This is my favorite.  A full bodied nutty brown ale that is slightly sweet and a smooth finish.  It only comes in a bomber (22 oz) bottle so you can share it with someone if you want (thankfully my wife prefers the coffee porter mentioned earlier so I don't have to share).  Rogue does not add any chemicals, preservatives or additives to their ales, this one only has 12 ingredients - different types of hops, malts, yeast and water.
5. Dogfish Head Punkin Ale by Dogfish Head.  My mother and wife liked this one better than I did.  I expected more pumpkin flavored sweetness, instead it is spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice with hints of brown sugar and pumpkin.  It wasn't bad, I should have gone into it without any expectations (like we should with anything in life).
6. Belhaven Scottish Stout by Belhaven Brewery.  A dark stout with hints of nut, chocolate and hops.  Tasty.  This is the current drink of choice by my lovely wife Jane.

A few more not pictured.
If I am trying to stay low carb I like Michelob Ultra Amber.  There is a little flavor and it only had around 3 or 4 carbs.
Landshark Lager by Margaritaville Brewing Co. is a nice light lager that is refreshing and goes down easy with seafood on a hot day.
If you want to mix it up a little try Hornsby's Crisp Apple Cider in a glass and layer (by bending a spoon and pouring on top of it to keep the two separate) Guinness Extra Stout.   Initially you get a heavy stout bitterness that gradually sweetens as it mixes with the cider.  Yummy.

That's it.  If you would like me to review any more by all means buy me some beer and I will taste it for you :)
We all want to stay healthy and fit but I think we should also be able to enjoy things we like in life as long as it is in moderation.

For your viewing pleasure...

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