Monday, October 29, 2012


People that CrossFit sweat, a lot, (living in Houston TX is a double whammy) so they should also practice good/great hygiene habits (most do).  We try to be a healthy community, exercise, eat right and take care of ourselves so why is it some people seem absolutely oblivious that they smell?  I know anyone can be odiferous at times based on what you eat, onions, garlic, or get that coffee sweat working for you where it comes out of your pores, but what about the ones that have the consistent body odor?  It may be a medical condition and that sucks, they could be allergic to types of soap/antiperspirants and it can also be that no one has ever said anything to them because it is embarrassing.  I shower two or three times a day and I still don't always smell like a rose.  My son is nine and is going to become introduced to deodorant in November (once I do a little research on kids and antiperspirant).  Just a general FYI out there.....Use antiperspirant, not just deodorant, take a shower after workouts and again that evening/morning, if in doubt do it again, wash your clothes in hot water with a little bleach to kill germs and do the same to your shoes, everyone will appreciate it and it is good for you :)

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