Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Every day I am grateful for my son, wife, our health, God, our country, having food and shelter, books, beer, a great environment to work in and follow my passion, etc.  The list can go "to infinity and beyond!" to quote Buzz Lightyear. Many people don't seem to comprehend how grateful they should be. They might break down on the side of the road and have that ruin their entire day, and post their misery all over Facebook, but at least they have a car to break down.  I was laid off from a position with a six figure income in April, the day before my wife and I went on a two week vacation.  At first I was pissed, for a day, and then I was grateful.  I felt as if a burden had been lifted off of my shoulders.  I didn't like it there.  I knew I would miss the income but that was it.  I enjoyed my vacation a whole lot more.  I didn't have that feeling four days before coming back where you are thinking "crap, I have to go back to work."  It gave me the opportunity to pursue something that I really enjoy with people that I respect and admire at Crossfit Champions.  Another benefit to the layoff was that today my son and I went to see a movie and played on the floor with his legos.  I was thinking less money is good.  

I can't continue to buy him or us more crap we don't need.  How many legos do you really need anyway?  I am trying to teach him that money is a tool that opens up choices but it is not the end all be all.  Six years ago, Jane (his wife--insert George Jetson theme song) and Liam were in a car wreck that totaled her car but they were both uninjured, that is all that matters.  If we get into a wreck once every 10 years, I would take that one because they were both fine.  That is how I wish people would learn to look at things. It can always be worse. The a$$hole that ran the red light made a stupid choice that could have cost them their lives.  So many people don't understand how precious and fragile life is.  We only get once chance to have it.  And, it can be short or long but we need to appreciate it by being grateful for what we have.  It is how you chose to look at life.  Everyday, we should make a list of what we are grateful for--it will make us appreciate it more, things and people we take for granted.  Tomorrow is July the 4th, our Independence Day.  I am grateful for the country we live in.  The sacrifices that our forefathers and our servicemen and women have made. 
I know those of you that read this are as well. 

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