Saturday, July 14, 2012

Time to Man Up

I have procrastinated for the last week to put up this new post because I didn't want to put pics of myself  sans shirt until my 24 day Advocare challenge was over and I could show everyone the great results.  Well, it's time for me to man up.  If I put them up now, I will be that much more motivated to get better results, no risk, no reward, etc, etc.  For those of you that don't go to Crossfit Champions where I train, the whole gym did this challenge.  I didn't get in on it in time to start with everyone else so I waited until July 9th so I could get my "beer on" for the fourth.  Thankfully my lovely wife Jane and a few friends are doing the challenge with me.  When you are trying to make a change in your lifestyle that will stick, your spouse has to be on board with it.
I can exercise hard 5 times a week and not keep my weight where it should be because of the crap I put in my body (beer, pizza, more beer).  I am not a moderate person, I could eat 3/4 of the pizza knowing I would feel horrible after.  I think a lot of guys are like that, we know stuffing ourselves makes us feel bad just like we know the pizza is hot and if we take a bite it will burn our mouth, so...we take a bite anyway.  Getting off topic here....

The challenge is for 24 days of eating proper nutrition (Paleo), exercise and take the supplements-of which I have never been a  big believer in till now, but more on that later in another blog.  Take your stats on day one and then compare them 24 days later.  So the stats are..193 lbs, 26% body fat (woohoo!), 14 1/2" right arm and 41" around the belly button/stomach area.  The baseline work out was 3 rounds for time, 300m run-9 clean and thrusters (95 lbs)-12 pull ups and 15 (24") box jumps, it took me 14:11. I am looking to improve in all categories in the three weeks of the challenge, but I have to remember that it is only 24 day's so I shouldn't expect to drop 15 lbs.  I believe the whole purpose of it is to start off on the right foot, to get started on improving our health because anyone can do anything for 24 days.  This last week that I have been on it I have had 0 alcohol.  The worst thing I have eaten was some beef jerky that had 5 grams of sugar per serving, so the challenge has already achieved some of it's purpose.  I don't feel like I have lost a bunch of weight (4 lbs) this week, but I feel physically better than I have in a long, long time.  Hopefully after I post the results in 2 1/2 weeks some of my other friends will become motivated to make a positive change in their life.

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